Saturday, September 3, 2011


On sabbatical until further notice. Go Bears.


Ken Crawford said...


We don't want to lose your commentary!

Come back quickly.

Anonymous said...

bears will not quit. are you quitting?

jacobs said...

Your insights are missed!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious the program has disappointed this blogger. I guess it sucks when homersim isn't rewarded. Have a nice sabbatical.

Anonymous said...

So that I don't waste too much time coming back to this site before you resume blogging, could you give us a rough idea of a timeline for your return? I've appreciated your website over the years. Thanks!

BearBacker said...

Looks like the Bear quit. bummer.

Anonymous said...

Still checking in about once a month in the hopes of a quick fix. I'll read the '09 Big Game recap, an absolute gem, before stumbling along. You are missed...

Anonymous said...

come back as the dorks at californiagoldenblogs help prop up the idiot Dykes

Anonymous said...

More Dykes still.. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

and the pathetic admins at BI banned the folks who wanted rid of dufus Dykes after 1-11 season...
come back!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Bear Insider, has it been destroyed by hackers? Both Mozilla and Avast were giving me all kinds of warnings and would not load it.

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